Viewing Details about a Machine

When you drill-down to see health information about a particular machine, what you see depends on the type of machine and whether data is collected manually with a TRIO or online with a SPRITE data acquisition device via the WATCHMAN Online System.

Note: If you have arranged for on−request reviews by an Azima analyst, an orange WATCHMAN Expert Review button () appears on this page. When you click it, you are prompted to confirm your request. Click Yes, to send an email to Azima; click No to cancel the request. This button also appears in the Report Editor in ExpertALERT at the WATCHMAN Data Center.

Data Acquired with TRIO Data Collector

The following image shows the Machine Details page for a pump from which data was collected with a TRIO.

Each section of the page is described in the table below.

Machine Details Page

When viewing the Machine Details page for a machine from which data is acquired with a TRIO, you will see some or all of the following:

Machine Details

  • The gray bar at the top of the page shows the plant and area in which the machine resides.

  • The name of the machine is listed below the gray bar. Next to it is a plus sign button Add to Watch List -- click it to add this machine to your Watch List.

  • The icon color represents the state of the machine based on the last time an analyst reviewed vibration data (Analyst Reviewed Results).

  • If a machine identifier was entered for this machine in ExpertALERT or StandardALERT, it appears directly below the machine's name. (The image above does not show a machine identifier.) Machine Identifiers typically are used when the machine name does not match the identifier used by your Computerize Machine Management System (CMMS). You can export data from ALERT to CMMS using the machine identifier to map them.

  • If any reports are posted for this machine, a View all Available Reports link appears, click it to see them. In order to be accessible from here, the report must be posted to a UDP associated with this machine.


If there are technology reports posted (IR, thermography, etc.), you will see the status assigned to the most recent report of that type. To access these reports, click the View all Available Reports link (described above).

When posting a report, the person must select the Set Technology Status check box in order for to be shown here. The type of UDP created (oil, IR, etc.) determines the technology. A similar check box is available in ExpertALERT-Cloud for analysts who post reports from the diagnostic software.

Set Technology Status


Machine Details


  • The Analyst Reviewed Results banner shows the date and time the data was acquired, with the name of the analyst who performed the diagnostics below it. If more than one analyst reviewed the data, both names appear. The color of the banner represents the state of the machine based on the last analyst review.

Tip! If you have an email client set up, you can click the name of your analyst to send an email.

  • The Last Monthly Test bar shows the last six months in which there was a reviewed test. If multiple tests were performed on the machine within a given month, the status of the most recent test is shown. If there are not six months in which at least one test was taken, there will be fewer bars. The month/year in each bar identifies the date of the data reviewed.

  • The Maximum Severity Test bar shows the severity of the most severe fault detected during the past six months in which there was at least one reviewed test. The statuses shown may differ from the Last Monthly Test bars because they represent the most severe fault in each month instead of the status of the latest reviewed test. This can be helpful if you have had more than one set of data collected within a collection period and want to see if any detected faults were more severe than the last reviewed test.

Special tests capture via the More Data button of a TRIO are not included in either the Last Monthly Test or Maximum Severity Test bars.

Machine Details


  • The actions recommended by your analyst (Recommended Actions) and the faults detected (Identified Problems) are listed below the bars.

  • Click the Cited Peaks button to open a new window showing the cited peaks for each Identified Problem.

Cited Peaks

Machine Details


If your analyst added any comments about his or her findings, they appear an Analyst Comments section.

Machine Details

When you view details about a particular machine, you can view vibration and/or process point data in graphical format. To see the graphs, click the Spectra Graphs and/or Process Point Graphs link. The data available determines whether you see these links

Select a Date

Use the Select a Date drop-down list to select the date of the data you want displayed, and then click Get Results. The top of the page will display the Analysts Reviewed Results and Analyst Comments (if any) for the selected date.

When viewing results from an earlier date, a Next Test > link appears next to the < Previous Test link above the drop-down list so you can move through the data.

Event Tracker for Machine

The Event Tracker for this machine appears at the bottom of the Machine Details page. It contains all of the same information and functions exactly as the Event Tracker at the database, plant, and area levels--it just contains events only for the selected machine.

Severity Trend Tab

The Severity Trend tab plots all faults called for this machine and their severity. All available data is displayed for machines from which data is collected with a TRIO.

If you want to control the date range of the information represented in the graph, specify a range via your Trend Preferences.

For machines from which data is collected with a TRIO, only Analyst Reviewed Results are plotted.


Data Acquired with a SPRITE Data Acquisition Device

The following image shows the Machine Details page for a compressor that is monitored online with a SPRITE data acquisition device as part of the WATCHMAN Online System.

Machine Details

Each section of the page is described in the table below.

Machine Details

  • The gray bar at the top of the page shows the plant and area in which the machine resides.

  • The name of the machine is listed below the gray bar with "Monitored Online" designating it as being part of the WATCHMAN Online System.

  • Next to the machine name is a plus sign button Add to Watch List -- click it to add this machine to your Watch List.

  • The icon color represents the state of the machine based on the latest reviewed test. This could be based on Expert System Results or Analyst Reviewed Results, whichever is newer.

  • If an reports are posted for this machine, a View all Available Reports link appears, click it to see them. In order to be accessible from here, the report must be posted to a UDP associated with this machine.

  • If there are technology reports posted (IR, motor testing, etc.), you will see an icon for each one, along with the status assigned to the most current report of that type. To access these other technology reports, click the View all Available Reports link. (These icons are not shown in the image above, but you can see them in the manually monitored machine example at the top of this topic.)

Machine Details


  • The Analyst Reviewed Results banner shows the date and time the data was acquired, with the name of the analyst who performed the diagnostics below it. If more than one analyst reviewed the data, both names appear. The color of the banner represents the state of the machine based on the last analyst review. The information in this section does NOT reflect expert system results.

Tip! If you have an email client set up, you can click the name of your analyst to send an email.

  • The Last Monthly Test bar shows the last six months in which there was a reviewed test. If multiple tests were performed on the machine within a given month, the status of the most recently reviewed test is shown. If there are not six months in which at least one test was taken, there will be fewer bars. The month/year in each bar identifies the date of the data reviewed.

  • The Maximum Severity Test bar shows the severity of the most severe fault detected during the past six months in which there was at least one reviewed test. The statuses shown may differ from the Last Monthly Test bars because they represent the most severe fault in each month instead of the status of the latest reviewed test. This can be helpful if you have had more than one set of data collected within a collection period and want to see if any detected faults were more severe than the last reviewed test.

Special tests capture via the More Data button of a TRIO are not included in either the Last Monthly Test or Maximum Severity Test bars.

Machine Details


  • The actions recommended by your analyst (Recommended Actions) and the faults detected (Identified Problems) are listed below the bars.

  • Click the Cited Peaks button to open a new window showing the cited peaks for each Identified Problem.

Important! These faults and actions are based on the last analyst review of data. An online machine would likely have newer data with Expert System Results awaiting analyst review. That information is shown lower on the Machine Details page.

Machine Details


If your analyst added any comments about his or her findings, they appear an Analyst Comments section. These comments are about the last analyst review.

Machine Details

  • The Expert System Results section appears if the last automated screening was performed on data that is newer than what was used during the last analyst review.

  • The date the data was acquired is displayed and the most recent Expert System Results appear just below acquisition date.

  • A color-coded bar shows the last seven automated screenings for this machine, as well as the date and time of the data that was screened.

  • Click the Expert System Results Detail button to open a new window showing the detected issues from the last screening.

Machine Details

When you view details about a particular machine, you can view vibration and/or process point data in graphical format. To see the graphs, click the Spectra Graphs and/or Process Point Graphs link. The data available determines whether you see these links.

Machine Details

  • For machines from which data is acquired online with a SPRITE data acquisition device, the graph only shows Expert System Results.

  • Use the Select a Date drop-down list to select the date of the data you want displayed, and then click Get Results to see that data plotted below the drop-down.

  • Data that has only been reviewed by the expert system have Expert System Results Only noted. If just a date and time appears, it means that data has been reviewed by an analyst (Analyst Reviewed Results).

  •  You can use the Previous Test and Next Test links to move through the graphs.

  • By default, the last 60 days of data is shown. To control how much information is displayed, set a date range via your Trend Preferences.


Related Topics

Viewing Spectral Data Graphs

Viewing Process Point Graphs

About Online Machines