About Online Collection

The WATCHMAN Reliability Portal delivers a combined view of ALL monitored machines, regardless of whether data is collected manually with a TRIO portable data collector or automatically via a SPRITE data acquisition device as part of a WATCHMAN Online System. (It may also include machines on which other technologies are applied, such as oil or thermography.)

Machines monitored via a SPRITE are considered "Online Machines" and can be viewed separately from the machines on your walk-around, manual data collection route.

Viewing Online Machine via the WATCHMAN Reliability Portal

You can view Online Machines in a variety of ways:

Viewing All Online Machines in Your Program

If you want to see all Online Machines in your program, do the following:

  1. From the drop-down list in the upper right of the Dashboard, select All Plants so the Dashboard(s) display information from all of the plants to which your login has privileges.

  2. Ensure the Machine Status - Online element is included on one of your Dashboards, and then click its title bar/heading.

Machine Status - Online

A list of the online-monitored machines represented in the pie chart displays, ordered by severity based on the latest results (Expert System Results or Analyst Reviewed Results, whichever is newer).

You will likely see Expert System Results that are awaiting review by an analyst. This is because online monitored machines have data collected and run through the expert system frequently (often multiple times a day), while analysts typically review data on a schedule and/or when a serious or extreme fault is detected by the expert system.

Note: The list of online-monitored machines below is abbreviated; it does not show all 15 machines referenced in the pie chart above.

Online Machines

Viewing Online Machines in a Plant

There are two ways to view all online machines in a particular plant:

Note: This is the same method described above, except instead of selecting All Plants from the drop-down list, you select an individual plant to dynamically update the Dashboard elements.

Online Machine Details

The Online Machines table shows the following about each machine:

Why Reviewed State May Differ from Automated State

Automated collection happens as quickly as the WATCHMAN Online System can cycle through the sensors, typically every few minutes. However, while the automated system screens the data when it is collected, it only posts that data to the WATCHMAN Reliability Portal if it detects a change in state. In addition to this, the automated system posts data to the WATCHMAN Reliability Portal on a scheduled interval, typically once a day or so, regardless of whether there is a state change. This ensures that even without a state change, current data is available.

Your analyst can log in to ExpertALERT at any time to review the latest data. However, this review typically only happens if there is a notable state change. Your analyst will most likely have the system set up to send email notifications for such changes (for example, a change to Serious or Extreme). If there is no status change of interest, your analyst may only review data on a scheduled basis, such as weekly or monthly.

If you are a WATCHMAN Service customer who is utilizing the WATCHMAN Online System, the frequency of collection and analyst review schedule is defined in your contract, as different customers have different needs depending on the type of equipment and its impact to production.