Plant View

The Plant View page opens when you select a plant in the Navigation Section or in the Plant Summary Table in Program View. It provides an overview of the monitoring taking place within that plant and lets you drill-down to see details about the areas and machines within it as well as view reports about them.

When you select a plant, the Main Section shows some or all of the following items.

Area Summary Table

Each area of the selected plant is listed in a table showing the number of machines in each state of health. This table always appears when you select a plant.

By default, areas are listed by severity and are based on the last analyst review of the data. If new data is awaiting review for any machines in an area, it will be reflected in the New Data Arrived column. This gives a clear picture of whether the analyst results shown in the table are the latest available or if updated statuses are expected soon for some or all of the machines in that area.

Click the name of any area in the table to view detailed information about it, including the machines it encompasses.

You can sort the table in a variety of ways, depending on what you want to see. However, if you refresh the page, the sort returns to its default "by severity" display.

Plant View

Technology Filter

If your program involves multiple technologies (such as, oil and IR) and reports are posted for those technologies, you can filter the Area Summary table to show only areas with specific technology reports. If there are no technology reports, you will not see the Filter By drop-down list.

Technology Filter

For example, select Oil Analysis to filter the table to show only areas that have at least one oil report posted. Only technologies for which reports have been posted to a technology User-Defined Point appear in the drop-down list.

Technology Filter

Available Reports

If there are any reports associated with this plant, a View all Available Reports in this plant link appears above the Area View table. Click it to access these reports. All reports posted to the Portal about this plant appear, with the most recent at the top. If there are no reports; the link does NOT appear.

Tip! Alternatively, you can see the 20 most recent reports about machines in this plant by clicking Recent Reports in Plant in the Reports Section.

Online Machines

If any of the machines in this plant are remotely monitored with the WATCHMAN Online System, an Online Machine Details button appears at the top of the page.

Online Machine Details

Click it to see a list of all online machines in this plant, along with their last analyst reviewed state and automated state. (To return to the Plant View page, click the Plant View Summary button.)

Online Machines

The Online Machines list shows the following about each remotely monitored machine:

Why Reviewed State for Online Machines May Differ from Automated State

Automated collection happens as quickly as the WATCHMAN Online System can cycle through the sensors, typically every few minutes. However, while the automated system screens the data when it is collected, it only posts that data to the Portal if it detects a change in state. In addition to this, the automated system posts data to the Portal on a scheduled interval, typically once or twice a day, regardless of whether there is a state change. This ensures that even without a state change, current information is available.

Your analyst can log in to ExpertALERT at any time to review the latest data. However, this review typically only happens if there is a notable state change. Your analyst will most likely have the system set up to send email notifications for such changes (for example, a change to Serious or Extreme). If there is no state change of interest, your analyst may only review data on a scheduled basis, such as monthly.

To See More Information

If you want to see more information (for example, some machines in one of the areas have an overall status of Extreme), you can do any of the following:

Note: In all cases, you will only see information about plants/areas to which your login has permission.